Proposal to amalgamate Moat Primary Academy and Robinswood Primary Academy

Before Moat Primary Academy and Robinswood Primary Academy joined the Greenshaw Learning Trust (GLT) from the Phoenix Learning Alliance (PLA), the Board of Trustees of PLA were actively considering amalgamating the two schools. This was put on hold whilst the schools transferred to GLT.
Trust Leaders and Trustees of the Greenshaw Learning Trust have been considering the future for both schools and have concluded that it would be in the best interests of both schools to amalgamate the provision on a single site at Robinswood Primary School.
This would mean that Moat Primary School would close. The date for the closure, subject to the consultation and final decisions, is yet to be confirmed but it is anticipated that it would be either from 1 September 2025 or 1 September 2026.
We believe that the amalgamation will benefit both schools. Creating one stronger, more resilient, better-resourced, and more financially sustainable school will better meet the needs of the community in the long run. By combining our talented staff and resources, we also believe we can further promote collaboration, and strengthen capacity in all areas, and ensure we deliver world-class education to all the children.
The schools have worked together closely for a number of years, originally as part of the Phoenix Learning Alliance, and now as schools within the Greenshaw Learning Trust. They already benefit from a shared curriculum, shared assessment, behaviour expectations, and all policies and procedures.
A consultation to seek views on this proposal will start on 12 November and conclude on 6 December 2024. Following the consultation, the Board of Trustees of the Greenshaw Learning Trust will consider all stakeholder views before a final decision is taken. Officers from the Greenshaw Learning Trust are working closely with council officers and the Department for Education on these proposals. Gloucester Council has responsibility for the planning of school places across Gloucester and council officers have indicated that they are supportive of this proposal.
We are committed to listening to and supporting everyone that this change affects, and we will ensure that any questions or concerns are addressed. Consultation meetings are being held where you can ask questions and share your feedback. These will take place on 21st November at 14:30 and 17:30, at Moat Primary Academy.